Birth of a Snow Playground

Hokkaido’s first snowboards with handlebars
The first ski area in the city of Sapporo with snow rafting
A place that parents, couples, 
friends and even non-skiers can enjoy
A snow playground where fun
can be had all day long is now complete.

Course status today
Snow Playground

Feel actual snow with all your senses!

Snow racer

Both adults and children can play Sleds with handlebars that are like go carts on the snow Families, couples, and friends can all enjoy this together.

Exciting for parents and kids!


The deep snow eaerience ofSapporo Kokusai Ski Resort, which boasts of depths of up to 4 meters! Snowshoe through the unpackedsnow areas and capture on video the experience of diving into the fluffy snow.
*4 meters is the maximum recorded snow accumulation.

Have the feeling of skiing with ease


Short skis that are easily attached to snow boots It’s an easy ski experience, and very thrilling once you get good at it!?

Fun even for beginners!

First time in HokkaidoSnowboards with handlebars

Snowboards with bars attached“Handlebar snowboards” No boots or bindings needed so anyone can enjoy the experience of snowboarding with ease!
*Available for both adults and children, so both parents and kids can have fun together.

Snow playground

Single-day unlimited play pass
5,000yen(Snow escalator included)
*Unlimited rentals and snow escalator rides 10:00-15:00

Age requirements: Adults 13 years and over, children 3-12 years old Rental fees

Snowshoes 2 hours 2,000yen
Snowboard with
handlebars 3 hours
Snow racer 3 hours 2,000yen
Snowfeet 2 hours 2,000yen

※All indicated prices include tax.

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